Okay...let me start with some bad news that happening to me..yup, some of u all already knew.. *ehem...* actually, i have been coming back to KL quite early, which is not the actual schedule...and the reason behind it issss.... i failed one of my subjects!
However....i dun want to finish this blog by letting u guys feel bad bout me...or letting u guys down.. *haha...* so, i'm posting some of the pics on my holiday wit my "long time never meet" sis and also my family... haha... u can give me a comment bout tat...

MISS THEMMMM!!!! ow, tat time, we're eating sushi!!hehe
Lastlyy..this is the first time i post a pic! WAW...cool..hihi...,okay i think i better stop 1st cause my stomach already calling me... *kruk...* guess it urself...haha, ok then, cu all, have a G'day!
ps:JENNNN...CEPETANN PLG YAAAA.....miss u at home!! ;p