yeye... just wan to spread the good news wit u all ^^
Okey..^^another wonderful thing tat will happening to me is.....

Ehem..yes my dear's my honour to pronounce you tat, on the 1st of March, i'll be...
I'm soo..happy and excited..hehe...i'll be tat little girl in the pic.. not the bride..i know u all veryy CLEVER! Okey, i might not be tat small and some stupid tricks wit the words.. :p
BUT because the wedding will be on 1st March and my school may start (cause they dun hav exact date when my class will start) on 2nd of, i'll be late for my class. It's not the biggest problem for me actually, BUT then, the next problem is...i need to be in Jakarta until March! will it be possible?how if anything happen (eg my school) and i hav to go back to KL and i can't be her bridesmaid????
I think i need to talk to the bride, at least i need to tell her my situation or else if anything happen to me...i will feel very guilty...correct r not?
Hehe..okay, tat r some of the big things tat happening to me lately..(becoming bridemaid is one of my dreams..hihi ;p ) and i still dunno wat i need to do to fill in the rest of my holiday..i hope i can do something BENEFICIAL hehe...So, take cares all! cu soon, from the blog ^^
ps:mei xian..i can't go to Bali wit uu..i'm so sorry...but, i hope u enjoy ur trip ya!!btw, just look at ur msn, i already put my number there, just call me ^^!