Mood: Sleepy and agitated
Listening to: Scissor Sisters - Fire with Fire
Well, hello mates!! How are you guys doing?!! I'm sorry I haven't been updating anything for a long time now. I've started working as a full-timer 3 weeks ago. The job has basically consumed all the free time I had before, means that now I don't have time for social networking sites or any sites for that matter =( I usually come home around 11.30, but I'm too tired to do anything after hitting the shower and, well, hitting the bong. Lol!
Anyway, I was at RockNess Music Festival last week, all in the name of my love for Blondie. So we drove 7 hours from Newcastle heading up north towards Inverness, Scotland. In case you don't know, the festival site is right next to the legendary Loch Ness Lake, where the Loch Ness monster appeared once for the sake of getting the world's attention. Fame whore!

But luckily Debbie Harris made it worth all the suffering! Check out my favourite strung-out Grannie getting her jiggy on!!

Well, it wasn't the best performance from Blondie, Debbie sang quite little and obviously high on something, but she sang most of my favourite songs and even dedicated "Maria" to all the girls. I swear to God I peed a little from the excitement. I just couldn't believe my eyes and ears. I always thought that they'd be long dead when I get the chance to see their show. They even did a cover of "Heartbreaker" by Taio Cruz, which was awesome!!
Oh, Vampire Weekends and The Strokes were there too. I don't listen to their songs, but everyone was dancing around and throwing beers at each other. I threw beers on a guy who wore a pig mask and another guy who wore a big bear head. I got thrown by the people from behind and splashed beers around with Dilla in the Techno Area. Mud and beers, how hot am I?
Speaking of Techno Area, the people were completely nuts. Everyone was high on either weeds, LSD or E. Fuuhhhhh, I've never seen so many people making out at the same time before. Guy-girl, girl-girl, guy-guy, girl-guy-girl, guy-girl-guy, whatever tickles your fancy, they were doing it. And we almost got caught for smuggling weeds in, there was a sniffing dog at the security check, fortunately the dog was retarded. I saw so many people smoking joint and did cocaine rows in the toilet seats. The dog FAILED big time.
Anyway, I'll be leaving to London at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. Then to Rome the day after that, staying for one night, then to South-West of Italy for 3 days, another 4 days in Rome, 5 days in Amsterdam (yesssssssssss!!!!!!! Stoners heaven!!!), back in UK for a week, then Madrid and Barcelona for 5 days (courtesy of Miss Ee May Ong). I feel like a rockstar on tour now. Lol! But I'm really excited to see the exotic Olive people and hearing them speak sex languages. Hmm, Italian and Spanish drip sex, don't they?!!
Well, I better get going. I'm still debating whether to sleep now or sleep later in the bus. Either way, I gotta finish packing tonight.
Hey, I heard lots of people are going back to Han Chiang to celebrate the 60th anniversary. I'm soooo jealous!!! I wanna go to!! Didn't we use to make some sort of pact to reunite at HC's 60th anniversary? Ooops!
Anyway, good night guys!! I'm waiting for your updates! Love you all!!