Friday, December 19, 2008
Countdown to 2009
with another great plan...So listen up yo!
Wouldn't it be great if we can usher year 2-jilo-jilo-nai together? So, here's the big idea...
Since most of us are gonna be in Penang by the end of the year, I was thinking, what if we had a private barbeque party in Han Chiang's big field and throw mercun at Lim Lian Teng's statue??
Ok, I heard a lot of boos...
Another great plan, what if we join the crowd, and save ourselves from all those troubles? Ok, we have to pay a little, but we can enjoy ourselves, dress up nicely, happily counting 10 to 1, and leaves all the shits behind once the party is over.
I've heard about New Year's Eve Countdown parties in a lot of places in Penang. No, I don't mean clubs, but somewhere which is open air, windy, and has fireworks. I've found one which is quite cool, you can try to click here and check out the right box. It's an event in Paradise Hotel, 50bucks/person, they have live bands, djs, and complimentary drinks. However, since I have very minimal knowledge about what's happening in Penang, can some of you please check around and see where is the best place to be?
Great Idea Part 2: I was thinking, if the place is quite far (like Paradise Hotel for example), why don't we rent 1 or 2 rooms and gather before and after the party. It'd be like old times. We'll hang out together, or maybe let the drunk people *EHEM* entertain us??
Like I said, I'm not in Penang, and I'm totally blind about what's going on there. So, anybody volunteer to do some research and get back at us A.S.A.P? It's less than 2 weeks, so we gotta move quick.
Anyway, it's bloody 6.20 in the morning and I'm blabbering shit loads of idea that just sprang into my mind. Let me know if you guys are interested.
If you guys have better idea, you are most welcome to share it with us. But please get back to us A.S.A.P, and let us know who's interested.
Btw, I'm not the organizer, so don't throw shits at me to do again. I'm just the idea generator.
Sekian, terima kasih!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
1)在这校园里,最近有类似大型宣传的活动。但是却是以集训营的方式来宣传,三天三夜,我当了其中百多位队长的一位。这百多位队长又分成了所谓的五个Tribe: Ninja, Spartan, Centurion, Apache和Viking。这也因为参与的人数有差不多2000左右。这三天里,就是要带他们到各各部门去看看,并进行那部门的活动,非常有趣的,这感觉有点像小六生活营。因为他们全是所谓初四的学生。
2)还有,两个礼拜前的周末,我和我班的朋友参了一个小型Singapore Amazing Race,由学校一个社团举办。可是他一点也不简单,因为我们不可以用钱去搭巴士还是公共交通,只可以HitchRide,也就是所谓的“搭顺风车”。可是很可惜的是,我们组的是四个大男人,要搭顺风车不如撞墙好了。一开始还蛮简单,结果到了第三站,我们搭不到,结果走了六个小时半到了第四站,更惨的是举办当局派到那站的都走了。结果不用想了,我们把被禁止使用的电话从一个被胶带封密的纸带拿出来,打给了他们,直接到第七站。排名不用想啦。
3)虽然迟了足足两个礼拜又三天,但还是说声生日快乐给阿魔小弟,恭祝你二十岁快乐。还有十二月的朋友们,HAPPY BIRTHDAY啦!!
所以新闻报道就到此。我将前往印尼Sumatera的Bintan岛玩玩,回来后再Update啦。这期间,请最有空的Si Mel Mel来“布罗格"一下啦!
From Me,
Chiu Chern
Friday, December 12, 2008
FartFart finally joined in the big family...
This is Han Chiang scout ex-president speaking. One of the baboon from S3 zoo had just arrived from Penang. Is very hard for the zoo taker to transport such a crazy, busy body baboon who drive a Proton Waja, running every where around Penang. This baboon somehow has some man instinct that it was born from S3 zoo and it run wild during the zoo shut down. Hopefully, all S3 zoo animals will accept this wild baboon. I think it will behave itself here.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Message in A Blog
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
yeye... just wan to spread the good news wit u all ^^
Okey..^^another wonderful thing tat will happening to me is.....

Ehem..yes my dear's my honour to pronounce you tat, on the 1st of March, i'll be...
I'm soo..happy and excited..hehe...i'll be tat little girl in the pic.. not the bride..i know u all veryy CLEVER! Okey, i might not be tat small and some stupid tricks wit the words.. :p
BUT because the wedding will be on 1st March and my school may start (cause they dun hav exact date when my class will start) on 2nd of, i'll be late for my class. It's not the biggest problem for me actually, BUT then, the next problem is...i need to be in Jakarta until March! will it be possible?how if anything happen (eg my school) and i hav to go back to KL and i can't be her bridesmaid????
I think i need to talk to the bride, at least i need to tell her my situation or else if anything happen to me...i will feel very guilty...correct r not?
Hehe..okay, tat r some of the big things tat happening to me lately..(becoming bridemaid is one of my dreams..hihi ;p ) and i still dunno wat i need to do to fill in the rest of my holiday..i hope i can do something BENEFICIAL hehe...So, take cares all! cu soon, from the blog ^^
ps:mei xian..i can't go to Bali wit uu..i'm so sorry...but, i hope u enjoy ur trip ya!!btw, just look at ur msn, i already put my number there, just call me ^^!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Busy life...........
so this time was my turn to tell u all bout my at kampar d........first the first thing i can say was here was a gud place to study y i say so......cause here no entertainment at all........wat here got is two super market when i cum.......n the super market was like the bandar baru tat type god......until september the tesco just open n it can say quite small also n the thing sell there actually not much most of the it was tesco i wan find some other brand also hard......
ya back to my title first........after i cum to kampar i haf to survive by myself cause i didnt get any loan n just wif some of the money i kept when i i had to work to live......if didnt work i wont haf any income n the worst thing is after i cum here everything price is increasing.....espeasially the noodle.......hai.......after 2 week i had start to work at a restaurant everyday work from 5.30pm to 11.30++ 1 month off 2 day only .......the only gud thing bout it was they give me dinner n supper........but i work 1 n half month i decided to quit d........cause the first month i work totally no off day......n everyday i work until very tired cause i need to do a lot of thing n the worse thing is my clothes will very dirty n i haf to wash myself after i quit i finally haf holiday haha......i everday go play my favourite sport football.........wakaka
after half month the tesco finally open n i go to sushi king to interview n tat nite they call me haha......actually i quite happy tat time cause finally can get a better job d.......n first i was work as the waiter 1 until this month i change to becum work as sushi first actually not bad 1.......but after i work for 1 week 1 worker suddenly dun1 to work anymore so tat means i need to replace his job n now i everyday work n work two person job........n another worker after this week will resign too tat mean no more full time......just left me this part-time tat work like full-time........but lucky my manager still not bad la......treat me not bad......n he sure is rubish ppl too cause always talk rubish 1.....haha.......
ok no more bad thing bout my life d........i think just lately im too tired d.......but tmr or should i say n thursday n fri i will off.......haha but i got mid-term test but still gud thing for me.....finally got few day can let me do my thing.....haha.......but i think i will miss the i everyday eat sushi.....n now i was the1 make sushi so i can make more the1 i like so tat i can eat wakaka........
ya now im staying wif my dog.........his name was bobby him was the 1 tat let me play was a stupid but very cute dog......haha
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Test Mic One Two Three... Test Test..!
How 'bout a round up applaus?? Standing ovation???
Aiyo, sorry lah for my super long term MIA...As some people know, I was very busy until last 2 weeks...Sleep deprived, sudden adrenaline rush, hyperventilating, lost of appetite, squeezing my brain juice 24/7, and basically isolating myself from any social gatherin...You know the feeling...
But I've been free like a bird since last week...It's like hibernating til one week before my final...Now look at Bebek so stressed out, all I can say is "Thank God it's not me"...Hahaha!
Anyway, just a little update here, since everybody has updated theirs and began to make noises and shout out to me...I have gotten an internship at Ogilvy & Mather Malaysia advertising agency...It's basically a requirement to finish my diploma...I went to the interview in the afternoon (thanks to Mr. Banana for fetching me there...=) ) I can't be more excited!! And I'm actually gonna get PAID for it...we're talking money while doing course work...Oh yeah baby...Well, not much, but hey, it's better than slaving for free...Besides, the place is so bloody far from my house (two trains away!), I can already picture myself taking cab almost everyday back and forth...But please don't let this be true!!
Oh yah, Chiu* it's not that I seldom know I always appear offline...Haha...And Bear* if she's cute, take it man! You won't have to go through all those cat and mouse games anymore...She's basically throwing herself at u..CATCH! ;) Stop dating your gadgets!
Next week Bebek is going back to Indo...That means I'm gonna be all ALONE at home for the next 2 months...Such a lovely friend she is... =____=_l_ I'm sure all the pressure from finals, internship, and going home to an empty apartment will make me feel all emo and lifeless all over again...
Thanks for reading...Good luck guys! =)
Update: Eh, I think once a week update is too tiring lah...What about at least once a month..? My life isn't oh-so-fabulous...I'll bore you to death seriously...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Hi guys!
I wanted to say thx first to bear and chiu, thx for making this blog alive AGAIN^^
Yea, i read bout ur life, it's AWESOME! chiu, about ur trip, it's COOL!i know a little bit history bout Cambodia, and yea, i feel sad bout them, and their past history, u know pal pot rite?gez, my 'mao' also can stand...horrible, and tat also the reason i dun dare to open the website u gave, maybe next time when i'm ready....
While for mr bear..hehe, glad to hear about ur 'new u' and i know it will be a GREAT experinces and just ENJOY it...Ossh, ya, bout tat girl, haha, it just sounds like a movie r someting, i hope tat i can record it and watch it here, hehe. However, GOOD LUCK! dun be too rush2 ya... btw, keep in updating if u're goin out wit her,yea...hoho
Ow bout mr Liu, wat happens to him??hey Liu, *if u're reading tis blog* i hope everyting fine there wit u, and if u dun mind, u can ur questions in here, and get severals opinions, which might help u...
And bout me...^^, i'm having my final next thursday.. and just now, i've been studying physic and....GOD,HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!! it's slowly driving me NUTS!! #$@&*^! but guys, DUN WORRY, i'm not tat easy to be 'ta pai', huh! hehe... just realizing some of the 'stressness' and i'll be continuing my study :p
Other thing...bout the weekly plan for the blog, er...i luv to do tat, but somehow i think it will be very inconvenient *am i spelling it rite?* because sometimes we're very busy and if i already at indo *btw, mel already went back today* and God knows how slow the internet in indo and i will not be able to go online tat often..BUT! i think we can find another way on how making this blog alive...and WE WILL
Okey then... i think i need to cau already, hav a good rest everyone, take care and............ just keep in touch ^^
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mean Post
since everybody has posted their Unis, i hope i can spare out some time to post something about my campus someday. but basically it wouldn't be as pretty as u guys have. it is quite a shame for Australia..even its goodness, 10 years behind HKs...
life has been a bit tough for me this semester. i was working like full time during the first half of the semester, then once i told my boss to limit my time. now i have more free time, but basically i m getting worse...I have mahjong games every week, the game usually starts from 9pm and it normally will finish till 5am or 6am, depends on the speed. occasionally every week will have one night for karaoke. plus i have fellowship gathering every friday night(to those who did not know, I had converted to Christianity) as well as Sunday service every morning(go to church).also i only work every monday and saturday. my wage was still the same, but what happen is that i have more time to spend as well as depreciating australian dollars, which means my wage is depreciating plus i spend more than before. u guys know what kind of person i am. i simply do not know how to control my spending power, as i did in penang before.
In addition, just before the mid semester exam, i bought an NDSL(Nintendo DS Lite) and a PSP. it feels good to use ur own money to buy something that u wanted and i made it. so basically u wun see me studying. because a part of it is i skipped classes all the time.
well, i m not blaming something, but just it is the fact that how much effort that i put, then how much would i get, no more or less. having exams 2 weeks later, really stressful this time, a part of reason i skip classes is because i trust my ability that i can pass by self-study. but the fact is the assessment were too harsh despite the units are not really hard.
by the way, i haven't update something yet...last Saturday, when i started my shift at the shop, i had a wierd experience. there was a cutie korean gal entered the shop..she just look for a while and then went out. she then came back and enquire for our products. but since she cannot understand no matter how many times and detailed i explained to her, i decided the order for her. around 5 minutes later, she came back and asked if i have a girl friend or not. and guess what, she left her phone to me so she can meet up with me. right up to now, i still do not know what she is after, but basically it was shocking...sorry guys i do not have pics on her but i just have the paper that left her name and contact details..
Please bear with my long post every time and i know some people just do not like long post since they might get annoyed or something, as well as their own troubles. no one to blame but a short reply will be really enough to the one who write the post or manage the blog.
Personally i agree on CC's suggestion. basically what we need is interaction, i can foresee what would happen if we have zero interaction each other. it is not a hard stuff to post something up, it is a commitment to maintain our bond. some of you guys were in the same place, but some aren't, thats the purpose of our blog, to keep update each other and share up and downs in our personal life. merely a phone call/message/email or a writing to our blog will be good enough for me, just depend on ours if we all wanted to make the first step ahead. life is harsh seriously, a life span of a mankind is short, you will not know what would happen tomorrow. i have a close friend in here, within 3 months, 2 of her aunties was positive to Cancer and one uncle died last week..we will not know how much life span we have, but i am sure we all have ups and downs to share each other. i seriously know everybody will not wanted a person leaving the world without saying/hearing the last words to/from him/her. I am not making the topic serious but i am just sharing my thoughts to all of you. we simply tend to ignore something in front of us and regret of losing once we noticed it.
Message to everyone:
Beth: life has been occasionally tough for you, stressful on studies, i realised that trusting Christ is easy, but live within Christ is hard to achieve and I am still learning it.
Mel: last time u updated me that you got sinus again right, just make sure u take good care of ur body and have a nice holiday in Indo.
Jenn: As i can see,you have commitments on your stuff, just feel free to commit something to us too, Good luck on everything.
Kwan: I know u had a hard stuff on your life as you asked me for consultation, i have a big responsibility for not asking you to participate in this blog and I will definitely make you included in this blog.
Ai Ling: I do not know if you had read this blog before but making the first step is extremely important, i know you are the one who trust destiny can be changed.
Keen Yeep: Hope everything is fine in your job experience. for all of you, i reckon you were the most lucky, ur life path was never being hard, u have all the attributes to success in the future. Keep going, your chinese name already assumed everything for you and you have to fulfill it.
Chern Swern: Haven't got any updates around u but i seriously know you have ur own thinking and base on your reasoning skills, i fully trust you can acheive something that u really wanted to accomplish.
Chiu Chern: just saw ur post and message and it was encouraging. volunteering is a very big commitment and it requires a lot of consideration before you make your step on. make sure you have the ability to take care of yourself before taking care of another people.
Chen Ni: The last time i chatted with you was on the phone, when i was taking a very long break from work. it was a really great chat with you that time. you shared ups and downs with me and I seriously know that you still have a lot of task that u really wanted to accomplish, wish you good luck.
Sow Fen: basically we were still stopping in a status that we two are merely classmates, nothing else. i should do something more hopefully you were doing well on your librarian management, i can foresee it would be a fun course if i am going to study on.
Yuu Ruu: Glad to know that you were doing something that you really enjoy with. Taiwan is also a place that i wanted to travel, hopefully everything is in right track for you and i am sure you will not let your train out of track.
Zhi How: life was occasionally desperate for you, feel free to share with us and it will be a lot of fun. you have your own thoughts, you have your own passion, you are just like a musician performing in the street, waiting someone to acknowledge you, i fully believe you can do it..hoho
Mei Xian: It is always hard to start a conversation with you since you were in the debate team, you have ur own principle and your own accomplishments that u wanted to achieve. life is a short journey but if you think more on after-life, you will feel happier.
Yi Long: you were the one who i chatted the most in msn when i leave penang. from you, i fully understand how a normal family in penang is. it is merely a cultural problem that made me cannot fully understand how tough your life is. Keep going and use happiness and thanksgiving to counter all of the task that u are going to acheive.
I guess I will write up to here. Will adjust my emotions and mood by the next post..hohoho
To everyone and whom I had missed you out:
May God Bless and be with you all.
BeAr bEaR™
Eh HEY~!! =)
5 weeks ago, I had just came back from Cambodia with this bunch of friends from my Poly, which lasted for 2 weeks. It is a very nice experience, which I am able to look around the world and also learn to appreciate how it is for the locals, which their life is much much more difficult than us.
I went to Phnom Penh(the capital) + Siem Riep(the place where Angkor Wat located). It is my first time to visit to one of the Old Seven Wonders. I really enjoy it. However, here is a link to one of the place which I felt so sad for them.
This DUMPING SITE is called Stung Mean Chey, which located outside Phnom Penh. It is the only dumping site available, there are people who maintain their life and survival with all this rubbish and garbages, which mostly kids are the one doing the work.
Well, just look through the link. It can be something or nothing to you, but however to me, somehow I felt motivated to do volunteering job in the future. So PEOPLE, enjoy your life and appreciate what we are having now. =)
Oh, for another update. I might be going to somewhere else for my attachment, most possibly China. However, I might be considering going to U.S or Australia if it's worth the money. It will be 3 and half months only, but it will be another new experience for me. =) So see you there, Hung or FRIENDS in China. Haha. =)
OKAY~! Back to our blog, for what I mention just now, it's just a suggestion. So lets make a vote, everyone please move your ASS and RESPONSE. Don't just read and do nothing. ESPECIALLY to LO KEEN YEEP, LING, SOW FEN AND TSZ KWAN. You guys have no response leh, I will be waiting to hear from you guys.
And also in the meanwhile, whoever available to take out some time, please tell us more bout YOU. It's been kinda rare for us to chat nowadays, so update us bout your life, job, studies, OR RELATIONSHIPS. Just share with us. I'm looking forward to it.
I think I will stop for now, however, anyone who is more familiar with all these blog things, please help set up a column with links to your blog at the main page. THANKS GUYS~! =)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Trip to Tioman =D
It's been a while since the trip. How are you guys been doing? Hope you doing well huh~ Well, I'm here updating the blog since everyone is busy. And hey! Don't be reluctant or paiseh to update the blog lah, it's our class blog after all.
Well, here's some photos during the trip to Tioman. I will upload some of it first here for YOU.
Some sleeping photo(on the boat)on the 1st day of the trip
Well! You can see that the MVP, the winner is Khoo Bee Sian, with a mouth so big, who can actually be the winner other than her? Well, for your information, we saw her brain in the sea at Tioman, that's why she is kinda abnormal here in Penang. Her brain is too far for her to be a normal person. XD
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
2 More Days!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Random Updates!
- There will be 9 pax going...Me, Bebek, Mel2, Jian Ye, Cowwie, Chern Swern, Zhi How, Chiu Chern, and Chen Ni...
- On 29th of Aug, 5 will go from Penang (ask Jian Ye for the departure details), then we'll meet up at Puduraya...
- Bus to Mersing will leave at 11pm, Zhi How and I will go with different bus, cuz there's no more place for us...
- Bus ticket to Mersing is RM29 and need to be paid to Zhi How
- We havent buy the return tickets cuz they havent sell it yet
- Our speed ferry will leave Mersing at 7.30am
- We stay at Sun Beach Resort. 2 pax per room, but 1 of the rooms will have to accomodate 3 pax.
- Rooms no air-con. I'm sorry, but all the rooms there are booked, and this is the best + cheapest I could get. Unless you dont mind paying RM500 for Berjaya Hotel.
- Each person is RM295. Including return ferry tickets, room, snokerling trip, and 5 meals. Need to be paid to ME. For those who hasnt, please transfer it to my account a.s.a.p.
- We come back on 1st September. Morning boat.
- Lastly, bring HUGE BEER APPETITE!! it's duty free there...So let's piss our conciousness away. =)
So see ya guys on 29th! It's around 1 week away man!! I can't believe it!!
Oh, a lil bit more... Jennifer Tandijono created this riddle 10mins ago and 90% of the world still can't answer it...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Einstein's riddle
• There are 5 houses that are each a different colour.
• There is a person of a different nationality in each house.
• The 5 owners drink a certain drink. They each smoke a certain brand of cigarettes and also have a certain pet. No owner has the same pet, smokes the same brand of cigarettes nor drinks the same drink.
• The question is. “Who has the fish?”
1. The British man lives in the red house.
2. The Swedish man has a dog for a pet.
3. The Danish man drinks tea.
4. The green house is to the left of the white house.
5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
6. The person that smokes Pall Mall has a bird.
7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
8. The person that lives in the middle house drinks milk.
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The person that smokes Blend, lives next to the one that has a cat.
11. The person that has a horse lives next to the one that smokes Dunhill.
12. The one that smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.
13. The German smokes Prince.
14. The Norwegian lives next to a blue house.
15. The person that smokes Blend, has a neighbour that drinks water.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008