May 18th, 2008
Saturday morning, when Zhi How fetched me to work, both of us got an unexpected message from one of our dearest friends...Saying he's in the town, and asked if we wanna meet up at night...We were pretty surprise since nobody mentioned about it before...
So, at 10pm, we headed to Cheras to pick Mel2 up, and flew to Chee Cheong Kai, where he stayed, to pick him up...
And ladies and gentleman, may I present, my dearest friend...

Eh, sorry, wrong picture..!! =_=

Ok, here he is...
Anyway, we drove around the town and went to have out very very very late dinner...It was a fun drive, cuz we kept on making fun of the dog Yi Long...
The best joke came from Uncle Tan, when he asked Yi Long to say '2' '5' repeatedly in very fast speed...If you don't get it, try it now, and listen carefully of what noise it makes...Haha, and Yi Long naively fell into the trap..!
Then we went home to *ehem* gamble...Zhi How was Genting, Yi Long was a Gambling Cruise, and I was Las Vegas...Well, it was fun, cuz I won the most...Zhi How didn't win or lose much, and Yi Long 赌光输光,为国争光...Hahaha...He kept on changing "chips" with Genting...
The highlight of his visit was when we were about to send him back...Three of us were in the lift, *Mel2 slept already..It was 6am...Duhh!!* And Zhi How started to jump in the lift, hope that the jumping will make the lift stop...He got what he wished for, we DID got stuck...We tried to pull the door apart, but it has another layer that we couldn't open...We only managed to crack a little of it open and get a tad of fresh air...
I started to freak out, cuz the next day I had to work and I haven't sleep at all...So two of the boys kept on trying to pull the door open, while I desperately kept on pressing the bell...Nobody came though... T^T Stupid Ridzuan securities!!!
Our view to the outside world...

In the end, Zhi How found this hook to open the door...And we managed to crawled out from the small hole between the ceiling and the lift floor...

We went for breakfast at Pan Bakery and send Yi Long back to Chee Cheong Kai...I was too tired that I slept throughout the journey...
In case you are wondering, why I never mentioned Bebek, she wasn't around cuz she went for some stupid camping trip...Well, her lost...Hahaha...
Anyway, we had a lot of fun
making fun of with Yi Long...We definitely should do it again!!!