Friday, April 9, 2010


HEY HO everyone!!!!

YES YES!!!!! 我 的 第 一 次!!!!!!!!!!! How am i going to express this feeling...anyway people, let me represent you with my first experience........... *drum drum drum*

"Salmonella infection"

Yes people, the symptoms that i had since the first day i arrived at the land called Brisbane, its actually represent quite an acute disease! after 2weeks of coming-back-fever, finally i ended up staying in the hospital for a week and just missing all my classes with a total of almost three weeks!!! gee, i just realize, it means i only have been to the uni for what 10days probably?? i'm a bad bad girl.... ; )

Nothing really especial actually, my blood just being sucked for several couple of times, i have infusing thingy in different places of my both hands, some x-ray and i'm not sure what this technique called, but you all must know. The one where a pregnant lady usually test to see their unborn baby, like scrolling your stomach with a tool that can actually see all the organs inside your belly..yup, that's the one! Anyway, now, i'm healthy again, although i still need to have few check up, but overall, i think i'm back to NORMAL!! yey!!!! such a great experience!!

Well, due to this reason, i also need to drop some of my subjects in order for me not to get nervous breakdown, haha, and it means i'll be graduated late!! Kind of sad and angry at first, but i'm over it already, i believe anything happen for a reason, right? so, heads up and let's continue my life....

So, what's life have been to you lately???

Take care all! *_*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beth>> when I looking at your posst.. I feel so close to it... like the infection.... haha.. do you know y i like salmonella...

Cos i am doing projec related to salmonella..