Wednesday, March 18, 2009


HOHO...actually u all get it.. 1/2 CORRECT!!!! *clap clap..* but still thanks for the input, it does help...(part where there is 'ethic thingy', sorry misspell ) and i thought 18PL is for the making-love-action kind of thing, sorry if it's wrong..hihi

Okay, let's clarify it, sorry guys, i make u 'pening', but memang sengaja la..haha

Continue...I understand about the freedom of choosing to 'express your love' to your mate before marriage, and i'm not saying that i dun agree and discriminate it. The actual part of this problem is that, this couple is expressing it wide open, in public ( u all see what exactly 'unconditionally' mean??hoho) or correctly is.....TO ME!!

Aih..and the real part that bugging me is the couple is not a stranger, where i just can take it as 'beautiful scenery'. I used to think people tend to shock when being seen by other when they'r in a 'hot-scene', but why this one is soooo DIFFERENT???(note: they'r not doin sex, just maybe touch2 kind of thing, i dun even dare to look clearly!!)

So, this couple is a different one, they probably think expressing 'love' in front of ur frens is nothing, but 'HELO...' although it's not sex, which clearly crazy if i happen to see it for free, but all the romantic-hot-kissing-hugging-touching-thingy..ehm..i dun know... it answering ur questions??still..i'm learning to get used to it, but i do feel sad cause i can't do much about it, i can't put my concept to them (which i think, all these stuff is private, about u and ur mate, u can express it, but until certain level) and the last part maybe.. JUST TAKE IT... T_T
btw, r u all agree tat a couple must behave too?i mean not too happily showing their hot-scene to their frens or family...agree or disagree??

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